
Not enough items 1.7.10 shaders mod 1.7.10
Not enough items 1.7.10 shaders mod 1.7.10

The item search area is the black border rectangle at the bottom of the inventory screen.

not enough items 1.7.10 shaders mod 1.7.10

This function is quite similar to the Recipe view. When the player presses the usage view while hovering an item, the Not Enough Items 1.7.10 will display the usage of the items. The player can go to the last process using the return key. To make changes to the different ways you can get this item, click the up arrow in the pop-up box. Scrolling or using the arrows at the bottom of the pop-up window will scroll through the recipes available for this method.

not enough items 1.7.10 shaders mod 1.7.10

Press the recipe when you hover over an item, will display the recipes that include the item. For example, wool can change color and show other variations of the same ore using the mineral dictionary of a forge (this cycle can be stopped by holding shift).

Not enough items 1.7.10 shaders mod 1.7.10